Waldorf News

The Birth of Louis’ Farm

Order a Free Trial Issue of the New Nature-Inspired Waldorf Magazine for Children

By Matthew Thurber

For two years my wife Elodie, a visual artist, had been asking me to start a children’s magazine with her. Elodie was inspired by Fanette et Filipin, a Waldorf-based magazine here in France, and by our common desire to help children thrive.

She felt that with her artistry and my experience as a writer and Waldorf educator, we could make something really special. But I said no, no, no! Amid English classes, choir directing and other creative projects, where would I find the time?

And then came Covid. With all of its horrible downsides, this crisis did open up a lot of people’s schedules, including mine. So at last I said yes, and Louis’ Farm was born!

The first two issues of our magazine are being read and enjoyed by children across the English-speaking world. Each issue contains 50 pages of original stories and artwork, along with diverse games, activities, songs and poems that foster children’s creativity and closeness to nature.

So far, the response to Louis’ Farm has been overwhelming! Schools have ordered big stacks of copies to share with parents at fairs and festivals. Parents and grandparents tell us of their children making up role plays about Little Gnome and the Underground King (Winter 2022 issue), of repeatedly playing “Bird Quest” (Winter 2022 issue) or about making the Russian “Sun Cookie” recipe with their kids (Spring 2023 issue).

Still, we are in need of subscriptions to survive long-term! Subscriptions cost US$50 per year for four issues, and are available on our website (www.louis-farm.com). If you subscribe, every season your children will be able to follow the silly high jinks of Little Gnome, as well as the exciting adventures of Louis and Sarah, two children growing up on a farm in Southern France.

Each magazine also includes one tale or fable, and one story about an animal or plant. All of the stories are developmentally appropriate—filled with the joy, wonder and lightness of childhood—even as the stories about Louis and Sarah gently touch on themes that older children will appreciate.

To subscribe to Louis’ Farm: www.louis-farm.com/subscribe

To order a free trial issue: www.louis-farm.com/free-issue